Awareness and Workshops

As digital tools, such as mobile phones and social networking tools, bring new freedoms and means of communication and coordination, they also bring new restrictions. Recent news events have shown that whilst these tools provide new opportunities for organising, such as in Iran in 2009 or Kenya in 2008, they can also create new forms of entrapment and intimidation, censorship and control. Tactical Tech and Frontline have trained over 1500 advocates and journalists since 2005, to understand their digital security and privacy risks and manage their vulnerabilities.



We have developed a range of methods from awareness raising and short consultations for participants at large-scale international advocacy events, through to four day intensive workshops. We tailor the workshop according to the participants' needs and can conduct trainings for absolute beginners or system administrators. We have a number of techniques we use for awareness raising and training, from short films to check-lists and from take-home toolkits to exercises to engage people in thinking about the issues they face and engage them in debate about broader questions related to freedom of expression and access to information


During the past five years, we have conducted workshops, awareness-raising sessions and bespoke consultancies worldwide, some of our workshops have included sessions at:





If you are an NGO or working with independent media and are interested in hosting a digital security workshop or talking to us about our digital security program, please take a look at our toolkit or contact us on security[at]